Who are North Devon Voluntary Services?
Championing the work of local voluntary and community organisations is our main mission, working closely with the many groups which make life better for everyone who lives in North Devon.

The North Devon Voluntary Services aims are:
To support voluntary and community group development and capacity building in North Devon, so that;
- charities and social enterprises are enabled to secure income, improve joint working, and develop new services.
- voluntary and community organisations have the practical information they need to operate effectively.
- communities are supported to set up and develop structures and projects that enable them to run community services successfully.
Go to Support for Organisations to find out more.
To support volunteering so that:
- voluntary and community organisations are enabled to recruit and retain sufficient volunteers for existing and new services and to manage these volunteers to a high standard.
- communities are supported to provide self-help.
- volunteers and potential volunteers are enabled to improve their skills and life chances.
Go to Volunteering to find out more.
To support improved communication and networks so that:
- voluntary and community organisations have appropriate information about policy and strategy that affects them.
- voluntary and community organisations are enabled to work effectively together.
- the voluntary, public and private sectors are well-networked and supported to engage with one another and work effectively together.
- the contribution of the voluntary sector to North Devon is recognised by the general public, media and local politicians, and is taken into account in planning and decision making.
For more information about networks go to Forums.