North Devon Voluntary Services’ Projects
Here you will see the projects we deliver, bringing together health and social care professionals and voluntary sector organisations for the benefit of vulnerable people in North Devon.
Community Health and Social Care Project
Community Health & Social Care Teams (CH & SCT) are focused on people with long-term conditions or complex needs, and their carers. The teams are made up of a range of professionals: Community Matrons, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Social Workers, Community Pharmacists, GPs, Community Nurses, Older People’s Mental Health, and the Voluntary Sector Representative. A Voluntary Sector Representative attends the weekly CH & SCT meetings; their key purpose is to provide a ‘bridge’ to the local voluntary and community sector. North Devon Voluntary Services coordinates this service across Northern Devon, supporting the Voluntary Sector Representatives. We also aim to understand the gaps in service provision, feed this back to the Programme Manager and Commissioners, and where appropriate and able to do so, develop capacity, resources to meet the unmet need. For more information please contact North Devon Voluntary Service on 01271 866300