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Devon Access to Services

Improving access to information, services and representation across Devon

DAS and Community Car Schemes

Community Car Schemes provide essential transport to health and social appointments and DAS works with many schemes across Devon to facilitate meetings and share best practice, case studies and statistics. This work helps the schemes’ long term sustainability and raises the profile of their work across Devon with providers of health and social care.

To coincide with National Volunteers' Week 2021, Jo Turnbull talked about Community Car Schemes to Laura James on the Voice North Devon. You can listen to the interview here.

Transport to Covid-19 vaccinations

If you need help with transport to get your Covid-19 vaccinations, you will find a list of Community Car Schemes who may be able to help here.



If you or anyone you know might be interested in giving a bit of time as a volunteer driver please get in touch with us and we'll find the closest car scheme to you. ([email protected] or [email protected] or give us a call on 07840 452147.)


Please see our Devon County Car Scheme Social Kindness Report published in 2021. Please feel free to share.


Please see our Devon County Car Scheme Social Kindness Report and infographic for 2020.
Please feel free to share.

Social Kindness 2019 cover
Infographic snip

The Community Car Schemes State of the Sector 2018 can be viewed below:

State of the sector 2018 PDF – DAS

Please read on to see older reports telling the story of Community Car Schemes in Devon.

Researched and written by Tim Lamerton and Jo McDonald, a report into the impact of NHS policies and practices on the ability of patients in Devon to access health appointments. Published in late 2016, the full report and an executive summary can be viewed below:

NHS cover
Community Car Schemes & The NHS Exec Summary PDF – DAS

This report responds to the challenges of a changing NHS and offers practical solutions to the problems faced by people who rely on Community Transport to attend health appointments. It includes an update on the activity of Community Car Schemes first seen in the Social Kindness papers.

The report builds on work carried out with the three regional car forums. These local reports can also be viewed here.

Community Car Schemes & Social Kindness PDF – DAS
Exeter, East & Mid Devon PDF – DAS
Torridge & Northern Devon First Edition PDF – DAS
Torridge & Northern Devon Second Edition PDF – DAS
West Devon, Teignbridge & South Hams PDF 2 – DAS

If you would like to use any of the information in these reports please contact us and kindly credit Devon Access to Services, a project of NDVS, as the source.


Devon Services

DAS also works to improve access to information by producing an accessible and easy to use online guide to services provided across Devon. A hard copy will be produced to help people who do not have access to the internet.

Public and Community Providers can be found at www.devonservices.org.uk

If you would like to add your service to this listing, please go to the website and click on "Add Service".

To find out more about DASP please contact [email protected] or [email protected] or give us a call on 01271 859261 or 07840 452147.